fine garment care
” to be better you have to be different ”
Fabric Spray
16 EUR
16 EUR
16 EUR
the fabric spray
our products are perfectly blended to care for both beloved garments and the environment.
wash less and be kinder to nature.
rebooting laundry for a new generation
unique anti-bacterial fabric sprays with different functions will help you speed up the
cleaning process. whether you need a quick refresh, dampen static electricity or remove
unwanted odors, saving your favorite garment from unnecessary washing and wear.
digital nomad or vagabond– it will freshen up your garments wherever you are on
mother earth.
the detergent
our washes are vegan and enzyme free. made from the best available raw materials
with a high focus on naturalness and function.
with a high focus on naturalness and function.
23 EUR
23 EUR
23 EUR
old knowledge meets modern technology
with 20 years of dedicated craftmanship, we wanted to explore and extract full
with 20 years of dedicated craftmanship, we wanted to explore and extract full
potential and maximize the laundry effect in a new sustainable way. to pay special
attention to every textile fiber. every product is tailormade to solve specific problems
on different fabrics.
when smelling a soulful fragrance something happens inside you.
adding such a sensorial experience to laundry care, gives a higher level of meaning and consciousness in taking care of your garment.
we are nose travelers. a life experience can come together in just one spray…
scandinavia made us this way, with its culture of craftmanship, rough nature and beautiful design
we made it all in a different way…
” selective measures ”
16 EUR
23 EUR
16 EUR
16 EUR
we wanted to make something that is sustainable
we wanted to make things better
we wanted to create a space to share
we wanted to build a community
" our product line "
fine garment care
” to be better you have to be
different ”
different ”
Fabric Spray
16 EUR
16 EUR
16 EUR
16 EUR
the fabric spray
our products are perfectly blended to care for both beloved garments and the environment.
wash less and be kinder to nature.
wash less and be kinder to nature.
rebooting laundry for a new generation
unique anti-bacterial fabric sprays with different functions will help you speed up the
cleaning process. whether you need a quick refresh, dampen static electricity or remove
unwanted odors, saving your favorite garment from unnecessary washing and wear.
digital nomad or vagabond– it will freshen up your garments wherever you are on
mother earth.
the detergent
our washes are vegan and enzyme free. made from the best available raw materials
with a high focus on naturalness and function.
with a high focus on naturalness and function.
23 EUR
23 EUR
old knowledge meets modern technology
with 20 years of dedicated craftmanship, we wanted to explore and extract full
potential and maximize the laundry effect in a new sustainable way. to pay special
attention to every textile fiber. every product is tailormade to solve specific problems
on different fabrics.
when smelling a soulful fragrance somethinghappens inside you.
when smelling a soulful fragrance somethinghappens inside you.
adding such a sensorial experience to laundry care, gives a higher level of meaning and consciousness in taking care of your garment.
we are nose travelers. a life experience can come together in just one spray…
scandinavia made us this way, with its culture of craftmanship, rough nature and beautiful design
we made it all in a different way…
” selective measures ”
16 EUR
23 EUR
16 EUR
16 EUR
we wanted to make something that is sustainable
we wanted to make things better
we wanted to create a space to share
we wanted to build a community
" our product line "